As a school that utilizes the Responsive Classroom approach in all grades, we start every day with a Morning Meeting. Today, we came together as a whole school to be in community.
Our friendship hall was filled with excitement. Classes sat together, but we created one large circle.
Today, we came together with a purpose as well. To being the school year, students shared their personal hopes and dreams for the 2014-2015 academic year. In our lower grades, parents had input into helping form these goals. As a class, goals were shared and necessary actions were listed. For example, if you want to learn more about fractions, you will need to pay attention, you will need a quiet environment, etc. From these necessary actions, the class created classroom rules.
Last week, a representative from each class came together and shared their class rules. As a group, these students (with ages spanning a decade!), create our school rules.
Today, this group of students presented to us our school rules.
When we gather together, we are a community of faith, of learning, and of friendship.
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